Here are our top 8 finishers! Our 1st place finisher is now the OFFICIAL backstory of Secret Library. Stop by the little community library boxes in the Sandy Basin Courtyard weekdays 8am-5pm to find your next read or donate books too!
Want to enter the Secret Library Art Contest? You could win more prizes or be featured alongside our top 8 stories in an upcoming book compilation this summer!!
Bou, The Owl of Unity - Kaileen Castillano
The Secret Library - by Amaya-mei Lizama
The Magic Library - by Gabriel Grohoski
The Whooo! - by Thomas Williams
Luna The White Owl - by Madelyn Martinez
Horton The Owl - by Anthony Bradley
The Lost Library - by Stephanie Padilla Milan
The Secret Library That’s Not So Secret - by Allyse Thomas
Secret Library Short Story Contest (Fiction)
Create your fantasy land and tell us about it!
Secret Library is a community book swap location just like the little libraries seen in neighborhoods all over the country. The location being under the large tower in Sandy Basin Community Center’s Courtyard, is a prime backdrop for a great fiction short story we feel! So, what the owl’s story? What is that tower doing there? Is this a different world or long-lost island?
Rules of Engagement
Writers must be under age 18 and current residents at time of submission.
Story must be at least 500 words but please keep it under 8,000.
The story must personify the owl as the main character and include the tower as a main focal point or location. Other locations and characters are welcome.
Stories must be submitted in word or pdf format no later than March 1st 2021 to for entry.
Handsome Rewards
We would like to reward your literary endeavors into the mythical, magical world you created for the Secret Library. All entries will be collected by our scribe to document for generations to come in an incredibly special booklet. This booklet will be printed alongside fantastic artwork contest submission winners depicting a scene from your story!
Grand Prize: Your story IS now the official story behind Secret Library!! Plus $150 gold coins and rubies.
2nd Prize: $100 gold coins and rubies.
3rd Prize: $50 gold coins and rubies.
All submissions will get a $15 gift card just for participation!
(Ok not really gems and precious metals… but a gift card for more magical books at Barnes & Noble.)