Frequent Questions
With every move, comes questions! We’re certainly happy to answer them all. Below are some common questions residents have during various stages of their time with us. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, contact us anytime!
Once you've received official orders to Fort Irwin, send them along with your Application. This allows our management team to track the anticipated incoming service members based on rank and bedroom qualification and focus our turns process on meeting these needs. If you're already stationed here but recently married, had a child, are already living off-post, or are living in the RV Park, you too are eligible to apply! Visit https://www.villagesatfortirwin.com/apply-now to begin.
Partially, yes. The bedroom sizes and villages you'll be able to choose from are based on your qualifications: dependent status (family versus geo bachelor/single), family size, ages and gender of the children, and rank. Once you've signed out from your losing duty station, we will auto-generate a list of the first 2 available homes that will be ready as close to your desired move-in date. You will be automatically assigned to the first available home but have the option to switch to the other (pending availability). Please inform your Leasing Specialist within 24 hours if you prefer the other home on your preview list. Any unassigned homes are available to other incoming soldiers as well. If you decline both homes on the list, you will not be offered another list for 30 days. For video tours and floorplans, visit https://www.villagesatfortirwin.com/neighborhoods
Our waitlist doesn't operate like a traditional waitlist. We work to secure a home for you prior to your arrival. Once you've signed out on leave from your current duty station, we will issue your Preview List. If no homes are available right away, the wait time depends on how long until the first available home is ready. If you decline the 1st list of homes offered, you will not be issued another list of homes for 30 days.
Just like you are one-of-a-kind, each home has a unique history and requires personalized maintenance over time. For a home to be rent ready, our team performs necessary repairs and cleaning plus a 400-point assessment before a final inspection is performed by the Army Housing Office. Once you select a home, we provide you with a 7-year work order and maintenance history. We take pride in the continued upkeep of our homes throughout your stay. Learn more about our home maintenance processes at: https://www.villagesatfortirwin.com/aim
We do not charge an application fee or move-in deposit like many off-post renters. (We only require a deposit for pets.) Rent is equal to the service member's Basic Allowance for Housing, which is determined by rank and dependent status. Before you move in, you'll only be required to pay a prorated amount for the days remaining in the month for your first month. Rent is always paid to us in arrears, meaning your finance department will collect the BAH from your paycheck in the beginning and middle of the month, then forward that payment to us the first of the following month. Read more here.
On your move-in day, your Leasing Specialist will provide you with a refrigerator magnet with your pole number and box number and offer directions if you need them. Your magnet should also have your trash day written on it as well. Check out https://www.villagesatfortirwin.com/residents for pickup schedules, recycling guidelines, hazardous waste locations, and more.
We have several convenient ways to place a work order whether through our staff, online, or our after-hours answering service. Routine (Non-emergency) or pest control requests can be placed using our exclusive resident portal, ActiveBuilding 24/7. Call 760-386-2460 anytime for emergency and urgent requests. Or just stop by our Maintenance Department on Goldstone Rd, next to the Class VI.
One of the perks of living at The Villages is free weekly bulk trash pickup! Flatten all those cardboard boxes and set them next to your recycling and trash cans on your normal pickup day by 7am. We will not take full boxes. So, first consider giving them to those leaving before going through all the trouble. For loose packing material, place in your recycling bin or bag them for bulk pickup.
Our legacy villages began receiving new automatic garage door openers in 2019. They can be controlled via the physical remote along with the My Q App or Amazon Key. Google Nest also allows manual operation or remote using their app.
Current service providers to Fort Irwin include:
Frontier Communications or call (855) 560-3345
DirecTV or call (833) 383-1587
Dish Network or call (833) 671-1295
We request that you do not call in routine work orders if you’re moving soon or are already on notice (moving in less than 60 days). It is much faster and more effective to perform repairs when a home is unoccupied. If a repair is necessary because of occupant negligence, misuse, or pet damage, you'll be charged the cost of repair whether you are moving out soon or not. For any hole less than 2 inches, do not patch or attempt to touch up the paint. This is considered normal wear and tear and we do not charge for it. If you happen to incur some move-out charges, often a pet deposit or prorated BAH refund can cover them.
Each village has a specific interior paint we use from Sherwin Williams. Stop by the Self Help Department to obtain a color swatch if you cannot purchase the paint from an authorized reseller. Any wall that you've painted must be painted wall to wall, and ceiling to floor. Any splatter, drips, spills, marks or missed areas are subject to a charge. Touch-up marks will show and are subject to charges. Please do not fill any holes or touch up marks/holes less than 2 inches, as this is considered normal wear and tear. You will not be charged. If you do not wish to paint the wall yourself, a fee of $25 will be applied per wall. Additional fees may apply to extremely dark colors needing multiple coats. Click here for the Resident Paint List.
Move-out charges depend on several factors but can often be covered by an existing pet deposit or a partial month BAH refund. Some charges may come from optional cleaning fees if you choose not to clean all or part of your home yourself. Perhaps pet-damaged baseboards or the kids stained the carpet. We will need to repair or replace these things to get the home ready for the next residents. You can discuss these potential charges at your pre-inspection and reference the cost of repairs with your Leasing Specialist.