Utility Credit Program Currently on Hold
Former Billing Process
Prior to the spring of 2019, residents were given a pre-determined credit amount to use toward their water, electric, and gas bills while living in Army housing. If a resident went over that amount, they were responsible for the balance due. Alternately, if their usage was under that amount, they were issued a credit. The program dubbed the “Resident Energy Conservation Program”, was designed to monetarily reward tenants who conserve energy and charge more to those who don’t. However, the Army and other branches have since ceased using the program.
How Utilities Are Paid
Currently, The Villages at Fort Irwin cover 100% of all gas, electric, and water billing resulting in no additional cost to the resident. Trash and sewer are already included in rent payments.
Mock Billing and Reporting Energy Use Spikes
Residents may receive a mock bill in the mail. It is important to check these bills for unusual usage spikes as this can indicate broken water lines or faulty equipment. Report these anomalies to our maintenance line at 760-386-2460.
Will the program return?
Information on if, or when, the program (or a new version of it) will return is scarce at this time. Military.com provided some background information on the subject in January of 2022 but reiterated that there is no new information as to its return. The article can be found here.